War film Wiki
Thomas Martin
Status: Deceased
Birthplace: British America,
Nationality: Flag of the United States American
Marital status: Single
Played by: Gregory Smith
Films: The Patriot
First film: The Patriot
Last film: The Patriot

Thomas Martin (1762-1778) was Benjamin Martin's second oldest son. He is about 4 years younger than his brother Gabriel, and is unable to join his brother in the fight of 1776. He is unhappy about having to stay home on the farm and not join in the adventure. Eventually he gets his father to agree to allow him to enlist when he is 17.

The war moves south and comes to the Martin farm when Thomas is 16. Gabriel has been wounded and is carrying rebel dispatches. Colonel William Tavington orders Gabriel be arrested and take to be hanged as a spy. Thomas is unable to show restraint, but his father does everything he can to prevent Colonel Tavington from harming his family. However Thomas cannot simply stand by and watch his brother Gabriel be taken away to be hanged as a spy. He attacks the British soldiers escorting Gabriel and tries to free his brother, but Tavington takes aim and shoots Thomas in the back. Thomas dies in his father’s arms.
